*pix a healthy garden expands and contracts with the seasons while simultaneously containing continuous decay and birth.
Our goal in healing moves beyond recovery and into the realm of continuous renewal.
The Trump Campaign may be may be awakening your PTSD symptoms. It may be triggering your eating disorder.
A large, bullying, arrogant man in a position of wealth and power who feels entitled to experience or own anything he wants is parading through the media blatantly derogating, belittling, humiliating, insulting and sexually molesting women through his words and actions.
If you have a history of being dishonored in any of these ways, Donald Trump's words and non-verbal actions we see through media and hear him describe, might well be the cause of your reliving your personal traumas now. You may know this and feel it.
Mindfulness Unifying Exercise for Eating Disorder Recovery
Your health, strength, courage and will can spread healing love in this world. Stay committed to your recovery. The world needs you.
Anxiety, financial crises, economic uncertainty, incurable illness, quarantine and death penetrate the bubble of safety and security now. Coronavirus, stock market plummeting, travel limited, no clear leadership, conflicting perspectives in duration and consequences.
This disruptive state is enough to trigger binge eating and anxiety attacks.
In the face of such powerful disrupters, what can we do for ourselves and others?
In my years as a psychotherapist, I’ve been honored to work with many people who reveal and discover their true feelings during holidays. As we share and explore together, we find the core gratitude within that enhances daily life and enriches their holiday experience. Perhaps some of what we’ve found will deepen and enrich your experience too.
The Thanksgiving holiday is over. You may reflect on:
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