Dreams: Your Doorway to Emotional Healing “Trust that which gives you meaning and accept it as your guide.” Carl Jung Trusting Dreams as Personal Living Truth Tellers If you are…
Boyfriend Wants to Help His Girlfriend Who Suffers from Anorexia Bringing her flowers may soothe and gratify but won't change anything. She needs more than love and loving gestures. Young Man Seeks Help…
How Do I Stop Restricting When I Am Underweight? Liv and Susie are asking questions that relate to many people who restrict. (In response to invitation post) The questions go like this:…
How Is Your Vision? Anorexia Is Associated with Eye Damage Research shows that fading vision is partof the anorexia experience. Anorexia deteriorates the body like a fast-forward of the aging…
307.1 Anorexia Nervosa - Subtypes The following subtypes can be used to specify the presence or absence of regular binge eating or purging during the current episode of…
Contact To contact Joanna Poppink: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: (310) 428-1941
Eating Disorders at Work: What Should You Do? Suppose you see or know or suspect that an employee has an eating disorder. What should you do? Here's a guest article by Joy Nollenberg,…
307.1 Anorexia Nervosa - Associated Laboratory Findings Anorexia eyes see skin covered skeletan as their goal. Any flesh on the frame is experienced as fat, bad and to be stripped off bone.…
Physical Effects of Anorexia Recovery: Personal Story Sudden anorexia recovery efforts can be as shocking to the body as well as the mind. Here is one woman’s recovery story presented via our…
Trump Campaign May Trigger Your PTSD Symptoms and Your Eating Disorder The Trump Campaign may be may be awakening your PTSD symptoms. It may be triggering your eating disorder. A large, bullying, arrogant man…
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