Eating Disorders and Narcissistic Abuse: Why you attract narcissists
Eating Disorders and Narcissistic Abuse are often related. Eating disorders and narcissistic abuse: learn how to understand exploitation in…
How Sleep Affects Your Weight
Sleep: How It Affects Your Weight and Contributes to Your Eating Disorder Sleep Affects Your Weight and Contributes to Your Eating…
Secret to a Success Journal
Secret to success journal What’s your journal for? Do you know the secret to making your journal a guide to success? You miss the value of…
Perfection, Restricting and Eating Disorders
Perfection as Safety through Restricting Food Perfectionism and Food Restriction as Coping Mechanisms: Individuals with eating disorders…
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Feelings Explored: A Woman's Roadmap to Emotional Resilience
Your feelings map is in your hands. Pushing Feelings Away A common coping mechanism when confronted with challenging emotions is the…
Trauma in Watching Israel/Hamas War Videos
Main Points Impact of Violent Videos on Social Media: The article describes the profound emotional and psychological trauma experienced by…
Smiles of Power and Overcoming Eating Disorders
Overcoming eating disorders includes love, smiles and encouragement. Smiles of encouragement are essential in building self-respect,…
How to Make Friends and Support Your Eating Disorder Recovery
Shared activities with friends are fun and boost your health. How to make friends is a skill we need as we move through life. Plus,…
Benefits of Losing Friends
Yes, the benefits of losing friends become clear as you move into more health and personal power. Benefits of Losing Friends “Want to go to…
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