My conversation with PTC on BabblingCats raises more thoughts about what can trigger abandonment feelings in an woman during eating disorder recovery treatment. Making a referral can bring up abandonment issues yet a referral is more like a bridge to take you across an impasse.
Psychotherapy and eating disorder recovery work take many forms. In this extensive grouping you'll find articles, links and discussions that include stories of individuals working through their healing process and descriptions of different treatment approaches. Issues include trust, bingeing, starving, sexuality, fear, anxiety, triumphs, abuse, shame, dream work, journal keeping and more. Discussions regarding insurance and finances are here as well. Reading these articles and participating in discussions will give you deep and varied windows into eating disorder recovery treatment.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work

Reality of eating disorder in-patient treatment
A wonderful, honest, detailed and accurate description of what it's like to go through an eating disorder in-patient experience is a gift to anyone with an eating disorder.
Molly Freedenberg shared her eating disorder recovery viewpoint.Her post dispels myths and fantasies about early recovery. I'm especially glad that her vivid examples make clear that in-patient or residential treatment is the beginning, not the end of recovery work.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
Touching story of felt abandonment on Babbling Cats2.
"I feel like I'm being abandoned by [my therapist]. This is what I don't get. She obviously thinks I'm not doing well at all and need more help, or something. So why, when someone is "not well" (her words, not mine) would you, a T, stop working with the person? If you're in the field to help people, why would you abandon them when they apparently need you the most? This is what I don't get. It's like, "You're doing badly so I can't work with you anymore." She didn't say that, but that's what it's like. Does that make sense? Also, if she knows that things we'll just get worse without her, why would she fire me? These people are supposed to be helping people, not letting them go when things go a little south."
As a psychotherapist working with people with eating disorders, here is how I answer her question.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
In the midst of your efforts to heal from your eating disorder I ask you to take a few moments and answer this question: What is happiness to you?
Years ago I worked with a woman in my practice, 38 years old, struggling with binge eating and purging, married to an emotionally abusive man, mother of two small children. After a year of being in psychotherapy with me she said, since she had stopped purging she intended to stop her therapy. She wasn't in pain anymore.
I asked her, "Is absence of pain enough?"
- Fiery Passions and Lessons from Our Sun
- Ignorance is dangerous. Learn about your eating disorder.
- Advice To A Girl Struggling to Overcome an Eating Disorder
- Recovering from Eating Disorder video (part 1)
- Recovering from Eating Disorder video (part 2)
- Book writing as recovery journey
- Bulimia Recovery: How Long Does It Take?
- How to Answer "What's new" Question While in Recovery
- Eating Disorder Recovery Call: End procrastination and save your life
- Candid interview with Joanna Poppink, MFT, eating disorder recovery psychotherapist