When you have an eating disorder friends who are attracted to you are attracted to who you are and how you respond with your eating disorder intact. Friend change as you change throughout your recovery work.
Psychotherapy and eating disorder recovery work take many forms. In this extensive grouping you'll find articles, links and discussions that include stories of individuals working through their healing process and descriptions of different treatment approaches. Issues include trust, bingeing, starving, sexuality, fear, anxiety, triumphs, abuse, shame, dream work, journal keeping and more. Discussions regarding insurance and finances are here as well. Reading these articles and participating in discussions will give you deep and varied windows into eating disorder recovery treatment.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
When you have an eating disorder friends who are attracted to you are attracted to who you are and how you respond with your eating disorder intact. Friend change as you change throughout your recovery work.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
Leonardo DaVinci found his base in nature, as do many who can see through life forms to the metaphors and actions of natural life forces. Ray Bradbury found his base in libraries, as do many who discover the people and perspectives from across time who wrote and filled the books that bring us worlds we never dreamed of on our own. We recognize them when we find them.
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
Support Your Binge Eating Recovery
If you binge eat, you can use this New Year's time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and New Year’s resolutions to renew your commitment to recovery. But please be aware of the different kinds of resolutions.
The best resolutions you can choose are those that support your healthy way of living and add energy to your life. Be wary of resolutions that trigger slips or major eating disorder acting out. Here are some examples of both.
New Year’s Resolutions for Eating Disorder Recovery Support
Here are examples of New Year’s Resolutions for recovery support. These resolutions involve activities that weaken the need to binge.
I resolve to:
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- Category: Psychotherapy and Recovery Work
Psychotherapy is personal and private. Yet we also need companionship and friendship for healing our eating disorders and our lives. Let's communicate better with each other. Let's heal wounds that maintain rifts between one another and befriend people we thought we could never befriend.
- What’s Soul Got to Do with Psychotherapy and Eating Disorder Recovery?
- Action for Your Authentic Life in Six Steps (Step Three May Be the Most Difficult) - Step Five
- Eating Disorder and Family Thanksgiving Dinner: Coping Strategies
- Eating Disorder Recovery Wisdom from Green Peace
- Eating Disorders and Coping with Feelings after New Years
- Healing Power of Psychotherapy Rests in Harmony
- Eating Disorder Self Care in the New Year: Start at any time
- Eating Disorder Recovery Challenge: anesthesia or genuine human experience?
- Eating Disorder Paradox of Body Obsession and Body Denial
- Were You Alone and Binge Eating at Christmas? How to Ground Yourself.