- Welcome to Psychotherapy with Joanna Poppink -

If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, have a history of narcissistic abuse, PTSD, career blocks, or relationship stress, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

 [email protected]


Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida and Oregon.
All appointments are virtual.


It took me awhile to actually start believing this because ED would tell me that if I was really strong or progressing in recovery, I wouldn't be tempted at all. But I'm past that now and when the temptations come, I am able to acknowledge it with “oh, I see that's still hanging around me.” My biggest temptations come around when it gets close to weigh in time but I ask myself, “what is it that I am trying to tell my treatment team by losing weight?” Both these things have been very helpful and I believe you're right about building up strength because this approach felt awkward at first but is pretty much second nature now!! Thanks Joanna!! Nice to see a new blog from you!! I know you've been busy with your book....I just miss them!!

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