There is so much negativity in the world right now. I am staunchly conservative in my political beliefs. Here in the States we are experiencing the divide of our country over political views. I work in the field of social work which leans toward the left in ideals and feelings on social welfare. I am probably one of the only case managers who believes in a hand up, not a hand out - which our current government seems to embrace. i don't talk politics at work very often. However, if asked my opinion I will share. Most often my views differ drastically, and I feel set up.
In the past, I might have given the popular answer. But not anymore. In fact, I have become quite the activist for ideals that are important to me. In doing this I would like to think that perhaps I could make a difference. I don't just argue to argue. I have researched my opinions and can debate knowing that I can answer the hardest of questions. Speaking up for the rights of our country and its constitution means so much to me. This is empowering because I know my potential. I know my voice needs to be heard. This would be a current example of how I honor myself - I don't back down even when my beliefs are being challenged.
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