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If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

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Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida and Oregon.
All appointments are virtual.


Tracy, I'm so glad that you are finally starting to allow people to see 'the real you', it's such a huge breakthrough to be able to do that, but one that pays real dividends. Kym..I just though "wow" when I read about your family soltistic dinner - it is as much as gift from you to them, that you want to share this part of your life with them and involve them, as their presence at the meal was a gift to you (if that makes sense?) I'm so pleased and proud that you are able to give more of yourself to others, and that it is being well-received - it's really heart-warming to read. When I read this article, I found it re-affirming of my decision not to return to work until my children are both at school. It was a decision made because I valued being there for them, I didn't want them in day care - I wanted to give them my time, my caring, my love - I want them to never have a doubt in their minds how much they are loved, and to look back as they get older and know how much I loved being there for them. It's a decision that I always felt was right, but one that my ED let me feel ashamed of, I always felt that people judged me and that I was inadequate because I wasn't juggling a career alongside my children, I used to be ashamed to admit to people that I was a stay at home mum, that it was my choice, and that it was what I wanted to do until my youngest turns 5 ....I thought people thought I was either lazy, not v intelligent, or both! Thesedays I don't care - often people still assume that I must work until I tell the otherwise, but I just feel fortunate now, that we can afford to scrape by financially whilst I enjoy raising my children, and that I have the most wonderful children to share this time with!

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