Thanks for the post Joanna. I read it this morning and then during my morning walk, it all hit me. I can honestly say I know what Shame feels like now!! I think I've gotten good at not paying attention to the voices of shame, but I haven't dug them up and really worked them. Throughout this morning I've been paying attention to them and realizing why I gained each belief about myself (abuse, negative messages from my parents, etc). It's feeling a little overwhelming right now, but I've e-mailed my therapist so talking with her should help.
I'm thinking after reading this post that the reason I haven't told everything to my therapist has far less to do with not trusting her as it has to do with me pretending the issues/behaviors, etc aren't an issue. While not listening to them all the time does make it easier to function in daily life J, I'm thinking I need to get them out and share. I need to get past my believe that I'm not worth bothering her; just trust Kym! I see journaling in my near future!
I liked your explanation of the trusted person's voices transforming into your own. I know I use to hear Jill's voice in my head, but recently it's my voice. So I've done it with many things, and I know I can do it these new shameful things. It's kind of hard thinking I was so far in recovery and discovering there is more. I just have to remember that what I've over come so far gives me the tools and confidence that I can work through this too.
thanks Joanna
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