- Welcome to Psychotherapy with Joanna Poppink -

If you suffer from an eating disorder now or have in the past, have a history of narcissistic abuse, PTSD, career blocks, or relationship stress, please email Joanna for a free telephone consultation.

 [email protected]


Eating Disorder Recovery
Joanna Poppink, MFT
Eating Disorder Recovery Psychotherapist
serving Arizona, California, Florida and Oregon.
All appointments are virtual.


sample pix from Lori shoot 11 14 2013 IMG 3568 Version 2 History of Professional Continuing Education Credits (partial)
Joanna Poppink, M.F.T 
CA License #15563
Florida License # MT3982
Oregon License # T1863
Arizona License 15632
Utah License #11992953-3902
10573 West Pico Blvd. Suite 20
Los Angeles, CA 90064
                        This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joanna Poppink, private practice psychotherapist

Certificates and Continuing Education Units 


Certificate in Ecopsychology...................................................12.0
Andy Fisher, PhD, Craig Chalquist, PhD, Linda Buzzell, MFT
Pacifica Graduate Institute
801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Provider CAMFT Therapists #67021
April 24, 2020

Ethics and Boundary Issues ....................................................5.0
An ethics course
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
June 12, 2020

Mandatory Abuse Reporting ....................................................1.0
An ethics course
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
June 17, 2020

Telemental Health Practice........................................................6.0
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
October 4, 2020

Intimate Partner Violence in Culturally Diverse Groups............3.0
and Special Populations
A cultural competency course
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
October 4, 2020

Practice with Diverse Populations: ........................................ 2.0
Tools for Cultural Competence
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
October 4, 2020

Texas State Board of Examinrs of Marriage and Family
Jurisprudence Exam 
eStrategy Solutions
October 9, 2020

Certificate of Completion _ AZ Statutes
Center for Credentialing & Education
CCE-Global Learning Management System
October 10, 2020  12:46 a.m.

Preventing Medical Errors: Best Practices for Mental...............2.0
Health Professionals
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
October 12, 2020

DSM-5: A Comprehensive Overview ........................................5.0
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
October 12, 2020

Florida Laws and Rules ............................................................3.0
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
October 12, 2020

The Neurobiology of Substance Use, Misuse, and Addiction.. 1.0
William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Director, CE4Less.com, Inc
APA approved for continuing education
Octoer 16, 2020


Reflection on Bidirectional Influence  ....................................... 2.0
in the Matisse/Picasso Relationship and in Clinical Practice
Linda Carter, MSN, CN
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
January 23, 2019

A Psychological Perspective Events………………...................2.0
:Wolfgang Pauli’s Dreams –The Archetypal Foundation of Science
Gary Sparks, M.A., M. Div.Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
January 25, 2019

A Psychological Perspectives Event: …………………………...4.0
The Psychoid Archetype in Erotic Transference
Gary Sparks, M.A., M.Div
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
January 26, 2019

What Do Our Dreams Tell Us About Ourselves  …...................5.0
That WeDon’t Already Know? An Introduction to 
Jungian Dream Work
Michal Aizenman, M.A.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
March 23, 2019

60 hour Certificate Program in Jungian Studies
Current Topics in Analytical Psychology
CG Jung Institute of Los Angeles
awarded June 18, 2019    not accredited

Taking Your Life Back: Steps …………..........…........……….3.0
 to the Recovery  Of a Personal Journey
James Hollis, Ph.D.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
June 15, 2019

Living Life More Fully  …........................................…………2.0
in the Shadow of Mortality
James Hollis, Ph.D.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
June 14, 2019


Jungian Certificate Program at Jung Institute, 2017-2018 ..................80 credits
Los Angeles, CA  
granted June, 2018
summary: Sept 9, Oct 7, Nov. 18, Dec. 9, 2017
Jan. 20, Feb. 10, Mar. 10, April 14, May 16, June 9, 2018

Psyche's Response to the Intersections of Cultural............................  2.0
Complexes: Mexican-American Male Identity Formation
John Valenzuela, Ph.D.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
March 7, 2018

Global Interdependence v. Social and Political Fragmentation..............2.0
Seth Wigdor Robbins, M.D., M.P.H.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
March 16. 2018

Paradise Lost...Paradise Regained ........................................................2.0
Jacob Zighelboim, Ph.D., Robert Moradi, M.D.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
April 30, 2018

Unexamined Male Libido ....................................................................... 2.0
James Gooch, M.D., JoAnn Culbert-Koehn, LCSW, Barry Miller, PhD
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
April 23, 2018

Reading Goethe' "Faust" from the Point of View of Jung's ......................16.00
Analytical Psychology
J. Gordon Nelson, Ph.D.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
April 4, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Nightmares, a Demonstration - Part 2 ......................................................2.0
Robert Moradi, M.D.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
April 16, 2018

Clinical Conference on Trauma...............................................................,.5.5
Susan Frankel, PhD, Michael Gellert, LCSW,
Sachiko Taki-Reece, EdD, Pamela Power, PhD
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
May 14, 2018

Reclaiming the Lost Soul of the Athlete ................................................. 2.0
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
David Burston, MFT
CE Provider #PCE318
May 18, 2018

Keeping the Pulse ALIVE:  Clinical and Spiritual Exploration in the........2.0
Aftermath of the Orlando Mass Shooting
Naomi Azriel, M.F.T.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
June 15, 2018

Dreams, Buddhist Theory and Individuation: A Dialog ......................  3.0
Master Dingkong, PhD, Patricia Katsky, PhD and
Sylvia Xu, PhD
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
July 2, 2018

Introduction to Jungian Sandplay week-end .......................................10.0
Hariet Friedman, M>A>, Marion Anderson, PhD,
Gita Morena, PhD
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
July 2, 2018

Childhood Innocence: Racial Prejudice and Shaping of Complexes ......3.0
Fanny Brewster, Ph.D.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
Oct. 6, 2018

Introduction to Sandplay, Part 2 .............................................................10.00
Harriet Friedman, MFT, Marion Anderson, Ph.D,
Gita Morena, Ph.D, MFT
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
Oct. 26 & 27, 2018

Ethics and Boundary Issues - 2018 ..........................................................3.00
Ce4Less.com Provider # 1115
William A. Cook, Ph.D. Director
Nov. 16, 2018

Suicide Assessment and Treatment ........................................................3.00
Ce4Less.com Provider # 1115
William A. Cook, Ph.D. Director
Nov. 16, 2018

Our Ecological Self: Restoring the Bond between ................................... 3.00
Inner and Outer Nature
Shanti Mayberry, HHP, PhD
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
November 19, 2018

The 'As If' Personality and the Deadened Mother ................................... 4.00
Susan Schwartz, PhD
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
December 15, 2018


Eating Disorders Program – Session IIB ……………………………………7.5
Driven to Excess: Altered States of Bopdy and Mind
Margaret A. Fetting, PhD
LAISPS Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalysis
Provider # PCE311
Weekly on Thursdays 1/5 – 2/2/17

Eating Disorders Program – Session IIA …………………………………..15.0
Psycho Developmental Issues: The Origins of Eating Disorders
Sacha Bollas, Psy.D
LAISPS Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalysis
Provider # PCE311

Weekly on Thursdays 1/5 – 3/9/17
Eating Disorders Program – Session IIC ……………………….…………..7.5
Obesity, Binge Eating & Orthorexia
Using Food to Cope w/Painful Feelings, Affect &
Interpersonal Relationships
Victoria Curea, Psy.D.
LAISPS Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalysis
Provider # PCE311
Weekly on Thursdays 2/9 – 3/9/17

The Collective Unconscious in Dream Symbolism …………………………7.5
Michal Aizenman, M.A.
C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Provider #PCE 318
2/3, 2/10, 3/3 20017

Eating Disorders Program – Session IIIA …………………………………..13.5
Visiting Professional Seminar
Lisa Crilley, M.A. & Susan Zinn, LPCC
LAISPS Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalysis
Provider # PCE311
Weekly on Thursdays 3/23 – 5/25/17

Eating Disorders Program – Session IIIA …………………………………..12.0
Treating Eating Disordered Patients with
Personality Disorders
Lynda Chassler, LCSW, PhD
LAISPS Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalysis
Provider # PCE311
Weekly on Thursdays 3/23 – 5/25/17

Shame ....................................................................................................2.0
Stephen Kennealy, M.A., M.B.A., M.F.T.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
May 25, 2017

The Devil in the Room: The Affect of Evil ……………………………..……2
Michael Gellert, M.A., LCSW
C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Provider #PCE 318

Shame ………………………………………………………………….....……2
Stephen Kenneally, M.A., M.B.A., M.F.T.
C, G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Provider #PCE 318

Clinical Workshop: Lecture:  Jungian Perspectives ...............................2.0
on Transgenderim
Lisa Marchianas, LCSW & Elan Lepovic, M.F.T.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
June 22, 2017

Clinical Workshop: Jungian Perspectives on Transgenderim.................4.0
Lisa Marchianas, LCSW & Elan Lepovic, M.F.T.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
June 23, 2017

The Rabbi, the Goddess, and Jung: Getting the Word from Within ......3.0
Naomi Loinsky, PhD
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
June 24, 2017

The Rationality of Political Violence:  .......................................................2
"Our" Fascination and Envy of "Them"
Andrew Samuels, Ph.D.
C. G. Jung Institute CE Provider #PCE318

Creating and Nurtring a Relationship with Psyche: Dream Work in .......14.00
Therapy and Analysis: An Experiential Group for Clinicians
Pamela Freundl Kirst, Ph.D.
Jung Institute, Los Angeles, CA
CE Provider #PCE318
Oct. 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15, 29, December 6, 2017

Journey Towards Wholeness ...................................................................2
Lynne Radomsky, Ph.D.
C. G. Jung Institute CE Provider #PCE318

Dancing with God .....................................................................................3
Lynne Radomsky, Ph.D.
C. G. Jung Institute CE Provider #PCE318

Foundations of Chassidic Psychology, in Conversation with ……...……..2
Jungian Concepts and Motifs
Rabbi Tal Sessler, PhD
C. G. Jung Institute CE Provider #PCE318

“The Other Side”: C. G. Jung’s Fascination with Alfred Kubin   …….…...3 
Bradley TePaske, PhD
C. G.. Jung Institute
CE Provider #PCE318

Nightmares, a Demonstration ………………………………………...…….3
Robert Moradi, M.D
C. G. Jung Institute
CE Provider #PCE318

California Law and Ethics - 2017 .............................................................6
ASWP Provider #1115

Improving Cultural Competence, Part 1 ...................................................2
Introduction to Cultural Competence
ASWP Provider #1115

Improving Cultural Competence, Part 2 ...................................................2
Core Competencies
ASWP Provider #1115

"It's a Wonderful Life":    ..........................................................................2
The Movie as a Tale of Individuation of an Unsung Hero
Jeanine Roose, Ph.D.
C. G. Jung Institute CE Provider #PCE318


The Moveable Genogram: A Powerful Tool in ……………………...……..2
Transforming Relationships
Karen Cohen, MS. LMFT
Los Angeles CAMFT
Provider PCE #2600

Normal Eating: Balancing Nourishment and Pleasure ……………………1
Tammy Beasley, RDN, CEDRD, LD, CSSD
Eating Recovery Center
NBCC #6815 and NAADAV #147334

The Cultural Complex Theory: Jung’s Theory of ………………….………2
Complexes Expanded
Thomas Singer, M.D.
C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Provider #PCE 318

Trumpism: Cultural Complexes in Contemporary Life ……………………..4
Thomas Singer, MD, Sharon Heath, MA
Stephen Kenneally, MBA, MA, MFT
C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Provider #PCE 318

Issues in Domestic Violence: The Effects …………………………………..1
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Mandatory Abuse Reporting – Revised …………………………………….1
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep …………………………………………1
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Childhood Sexual Abuse ………………………………………….……….…2
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Developing Cultural Competence in Disaste Mental Health Program.......3
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Eating Disorders Program – Session IB ……………………………..….…..4.5
Three Case Studies: The Binge Eater, The Bulimic and
The Anorexic
Victoria Curea, Psy.D.

LAISPS  Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies
Provider # PCE 311
Weekly on Thursdays – 12/1-15/16

The Marginalized Voices Campaign Presents - Bringing …………..………3
Your Voice to the Table
Reasons Eating Disorder Center
CA BBS CPA OPD Provider Code BHC002

Pacha Mama: Reflections on Eros in Nature ……………………..…..……..2
Bradley TePaske, Ph.D.
C.G. Jung Institute, Los Angeles
CE Provider # PCE 318


2nd Annual LA SBIRT Network Summit
UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse …………………………..…..…..……..5.5
BBS PCE 2001

Psychoanalysis Joins the Political Fray! …………………………….....….. 4.0
Peter Wolson, PhD.
LAISPS  Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies
Provider # PCE 311
2 Saturdays 9/12 & 19/ 2015

Bipolar Disorder: Evidence Based Practice ……………… ……...…..…….6
Clinical Course
Ce4Less.com Provider 1115

Older Adults and Mental Health ………………………………… …..….…..3
Clinical Course.
Ce4Less.com Provider 1115

Mental Health: Culture, Race and Ethnicity ……………..… ………………6
Clinical Course
Ce4Less.com Provider 1115

Depression …………………………………...……………….… ……………1
Clinical Course
Clinical Course
Ce4Less.com Provider 1115

Invisible Betrayal: The Impact of Enmeshment on the
Lives of Women …………………………………………………...……..…...1
Kate Balestrieri, Psy.D., CSAT
Center for Healthy Sex
BBS CE Provider # 4027

Ethics in Victim Services …………………………………………… …....….2
Ethics Course
Ce4Less.com Provider 1115

Ethics & Boundary Issues – 2015 ……………………… ….…….…..…….3
Ethics Course
Ce4Less.com Provider 1115


Firing Rockets an Cooling Jets: How Relational Trauma ……...… ..…….1.5
Becomes Sexually Embodied
Terry Maks-Tarlow, PhD
Center for Healthy Sex, Los Angeles
BBS Provider # 4027

Using Sensorimotor Psychotherapy to Successfully Identify   ……... ...…2
& Heal Unresolved Trauma
Mason Sommers, PhD
CA Association of Marriage & Family Therapists
Provider # PCE 2600

Bipolar Disorder ……………………………………………….…… …..…….1
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder …………..………….…… ..….…..2
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Ethics & Boundary Issues ............................................................ ...........3
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411


How People Change: Relationships and   …............................. ........…19.5
Neuroplasticity in Psychotherapy
UCLA Extension
Psychology 87.3
CA BBS Provider #PCE 553

California Law & Ethics …………………………………………….. ……….6
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Adults and Mental Health …………………………………………….. ….….4
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Anxiety Disorders ……………………………………………………...… .….1
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

On the Edge of Chaos: Finding Flow & Resilience through ………. .…….6.5
Creativity & the Arts
UCLArts and Healing/ Arts and Healing Initiative
Provider # 4468


Out of Control Behaviors …………………………………..………… ….…..2
AAMFT-CA SMWLA Networking District
BBS Provider #PCE 91

Informed Consent …………………………………………………… …...….2
Self-Study:  Law and Ethics
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists PCE 50

Dogma and Flexibility in Psychoanalytic Technique ……………….. ..…..2
New XCenter for Psychoanalysis
Provider # PCE 674

Women, Eating Disorders & Sexual Liaisons ……….……………… …….1.5
9:30 – 11:00
Center for Healthy Sex, Los Angeles, CA
BBS Continuing Education Provider # 402

Women, Eating Disorders & Sexual Liaisons ……………………… .…….1.5
11:30 – 1:00
Center for Healthy Sex, Los Angeles, CA
BBS Continuing Education Provider # 4027

Ethics for Mental Health Professionals ……………………………..……….3
Online ethics course
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

HIV and AIDS: A Therapist’s Reference Guide to Treatment Issues…….7
Association for Advanced Training in the Behavioral Sciences
CA BBS Approved Provider 1593

Mentally Healthy Aging:  A report on …….............................................…2
overcoming   stigma for older adults
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Working with Disorders of Body Image: a guide for mental health .…......3
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider
# PCE 3411

Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the ...............................……..15
Specific Needs of Women
California Board of Behavioral Sciences
Provider # PCE 3411

Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with …………….………………..1
Violence and Disaste
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider
# PCE 3411

California Law & Ethics - 2012 Edition……………………………....………..6
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 3411

Perspectives on Eating Disorders: Caring for the Brain,  …................…….2
Body and Soul 
Linda Schack, MD and Norman Kim, PhD
Alhambra Hospital CA
BBS Provider # PCE 4059

Prostitution Exit Support Programming ………………………………...……. 1.5
Martin McCombs, PhD
Center for Healthy Sex, Los Angeles
BBS Continuing Education Provider # 4027

Bion and Being: Passion and the Creative Mind ………………………....….3
Annie Reiner, P
C. G. Jung Institute
CE Provider #PCE 31

2011  none


Mindfulness 3-day workshop ……………………………………….....….….16
Theoretical Framework for Clinical Practice:.
 intervention techniques with individuals, couples or groups.
Howard Blumenfeld, PhD, MFT, Diana Shimkus, LCSW, Gloria Kamler,MA, ,
BBS Provider No. PCE2209
contents of this workshop are relevant to the practice of marriage family therapy. It applies to direct patient/client care

Found notes: describe benefits of this program, both professionally and personally
This program continues to inform and inspire my personal and professional life.
The value of being mindful and present in my daily life is immeasurable.  My emotions ae in balance during stressful times. I appreciate the input of others and the texture of my environment.
This helps me be more present and accurate with my clients.  I can see, hear and appreciate their experience better because I am in a more mindful state.  Happily, my mindfulness is catching and my clilents become more mindful in their lifes.  The benefits keep spreading, especially with my eating disorder clients.  JP 8/10

Law and Ethics: GLBT and Other Diversity Issues ……………..…….…….2
Richard S. Leslie, JD
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists P
CE 50

Neurofeedback: An Ideal Adjunct Therapy for the Treatment of…….……..1
Eating Disorders
IAEDP Los Angeles Chapter
Alhambra Hospital PCE 4059


The I Ching: empowering images for change ……………………...….……17
Stephen Karcher, PhD.
Institute for Cultural Change
CEU Provider PCE1198

An Introduction to the Practice of Council ………………….…….........…….2
in Therapeutic Settings
Los Angeles Chapter - California Association of
Marriage and Family Therapists 
BBS  PCE 2600

Fundamental Knowledge for Licensees. Law and Ethics ……..….…....…..2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D..
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy …………………………………...……....…8
Rocky Ledge Reteat....
Athen Lennon, MA, MFT BBS Provider PCE 4491
Alison Aiosa, Equine Educator, CA
BBS CE Provider #PCE 4491

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program ………………...…..……..20
Gloria Kamler
authorized BBS provider No. PCE2209
10/5/09 - 11/23/09

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy...................................................................8
Rocky Ledge Retreat, Topanga, CA
Athena Lennon, MA, MFT
Alison Aiosa, Equine Educator
CA BBS CE Provider #PCE 4491


"Dreams"  ………………………………………………………………..…….…11
Marion Woodman, LLD, DHL, PhD (Hon),
Stephen Aizenstate PhD,  Pacifica Graduate Institute
PCE 2278

Adult Attachment in Clinical Context …………………………........... .....……20.5
Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview
UCLA Extension
Provider # PCE 553
Lifespan Learning Conference

How Food Affects Mood: Boosting Brain Health As We Age ……............ .....  0.5
Alicia Trocker, MS, RD
UCLA Extension

Continue Treatment or Terminate and Refer ……………………..................…..2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D.,
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
BBS Provider #PCE 50


The Core Intervention Program……………………..………………......………….3
Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies

"Family Therapy and Custody Disputes - Legal Issues” …………………....……2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D.
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy: Cultivating Well-Being …………..…....……..14
 in the Present Moment
UCLA Extension
Provider # PCE 553

Attachment and Adult Psychotherapy ………………………………......…..….…..9
Psy Broadcasting Corp (PsyBC)
Provider #1099

Dialogue with Dr. Neil Altman……………………………….……….…............……5
Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies

Global Warming: Climate Change and ……….............................................…….4
Environmental Devastation
Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies,

The Role of the RD in Eating Disorder Treatment ……………………..….....…….1.5
Elyse Resch, RD, Rachel Liger, RD, Kim Whyman, RD
Center for Discovery CA BBS Orivuder # OCE 3873

Continuing Education Course in Self-Regulation 17 classes ……….........……..25.5
Allan N. Schore, Ph.D.
BBS continuing education provider PCE2083

"HIPPA, The Privacy Rule and You ……………………………….………..........….2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D.
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
BBS Provider # PCE 50


The Embodied Mind: Integrations of the Body, Brain………………......….……..14
and Mind in Clinical Practic
UCLA Extension
#PCE 553

It Taks a Village:  Integrating Approaches in the  …………............……..………14         
Treatment of Eating Disorders 
Cassidy Seminars/Amedco
Provider # PCE 418

Images, Myths & Fairy Tales …………………………………........………..…....…8
Lars Lofgren, MD; Joseph Campbell, MA; Eric Erickson;
Rudolf Ekstein, PhD, ,
Cassidy Seminars
BBS Provider #PCE 418
(also attended original conference in person before
CEUs were established by the profession.)

Confidentiality, Law and Ethics ……………………………........……...….……….2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D.,
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
BBS Provider #PCE 50

Professional Ethics for MFTs, ……………………………………….........…....….2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D.,
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
BBS Provider # 50

Child Abuse Reporting……………………………………………….......….……...2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D.,
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
BBS Provider # 50

The Dangerous Patient and the Therapist's Duty ………………………...…….2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D.
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
BBS Provider # 50

Child Abuse and Maltreatment/Neglect: ............................................….….….3
Identification and Reporting
Access Continuing Education,
New York State Provider ID: 80651, New York State Mandatory Course

Law and Ethics; Legal Requirements for MFT's………………………....………2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D.,
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
BBS Provider # 50

Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting ……………………..….…..….…2
Richard S. Leslie, J.D., .
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
PCE 50


Safe Action Methods in Treating Eating Disorders ……….……………..……...1
Jeffrey Yates, LCSM,
Los Angeles Task Force on Eating Disorders
Provider # PCE3193

The Analyst's Subjective Experience in Treatment …………….…...…………..2
Steven J. Frank, Ph.D.,
C.G.Jung Institute
CE Provider #PCE 318

Applying Attachment Theory to Clinical Practice……...………….……………..6
UCLA Extension
PCE 553

Unconscious process in Buddhism & Psychoanalysis ……….…..…………….6
Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies


Eating Disorders and The Recovery Process …………………….…..…..…….5
UCLA Extension
#PCE 553

Extension, Psych 861.2 Use of Autobiography in ………….….………….……6
Clinical Practice
UCLA Extension
#PCE 553

Turning Points: Transformative Experiences in……...................................…11
 Depth Psychotherapy
Allen Bishop, PH.D., Lionel Corbett, M.D.,
JoAnn Culbert-Koehn, L.C.S.W., Aaron Kipnis, Ph.D.,
Donald Marcus, M.D., and Mary Watkins, Ph.D.,
Pacific Graduate Institute,
PCE 2278

Using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Principles in………..…………...………..1
Treating Eating Disorders
Los Angeles Task Force on Eating Disorders (LATFED)
Timothy Peterson, Psy.D,

The Uprooted Mind: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Living ……..…………..12
in an Unsafe World,
Psychoanalytic Center of California
MFT Provider #PCE 1355

Group Psychotherapy and Sociometry and Psychodrama  ……….….….…….3
Jeffrey Yates, LCSW,
Psychodrama Institute of Los Angeles
CEU #2451

Invoking the Sage: Choosing to Age Well ……… …...…….….…………………6
Center for Story and Symbol
fulfills requirements for course on Aging and Long-Term
Care as mandated for California MFTs.
BBS # PCE 1118



A Legal Trilogy: Confidentiality and Access to Records under …….…..…….…6
HIPPA and California Law, Internet Therapy under the California
Telemedicine Law, Child Abuse Reporting Law Issues
BBS Provider #PCE 91

New Developments in Attachment Theory: Application  827.5……....…….…..14
UCLA Extension #PCE 553

Facing Mortality: Death and Dying in the Analytic Encounter …………........….5
LAISPS/ Los Angeles Institute and Society fo.
Psychoanalytic Studies
Provider #PCE 311


Empathy and Authenticity: Relational Considerations ……….…....…………….4
Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis
ICP accredited provider PCE7

Application of Bion’s Ideas to Clinical Experience ………........………….……..20.5
BION 2002 Conference
The Psychoanalytic Center of California
California Board of Registered Nursing Provider
# CEP 6003
Anita Leonard, Administrative Director

Attachment: from Early Childhood through the Lifespan……………........……..13.5
UCLA Extension

Attachment and Relationships …………………………...........…………………..15
Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration
XVIII Annual Conference
San Francisco, CA
Institute for Psychotherapy Integration
Provider #INS032

Eastern and Western Psychology and Counseling …………………..…........……7.5
The His Lai University Buddhist Psychology and
Counseling Research Center
Dr. Richard L. Kimball, MFT coordinator
Hsi Lai University Counseling Research Center Provider #

Del Amo Hospital 2002 Preferred Provider Conference ……………..…..….........11
Del Amo Hospital Clinical Starr

Eliminating Eating Disorders through Prevention, ………………..….............…….16.75
Treatment, Research, and Advocacy
National Eating Disorders Association Conference
Santa Monica, CA
9/ 19-21/2002

Risking Connection: Empowering Survivors & Their Therapists ……................…13.00
To Change
Sidran Institute for Traumatic Stress Education & Advocacy
Co-sponsored by
The Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute
Melissa Collins, professional training coordinator
Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute
California Board of Behavioral Services PCE #33

Analyzing Severely Disturbed Patients ……………..............………………...……….6
LAISPS/Los Angeles Institute and Society for
Psychoanalytic Studies

Eating Disorders & Comorbidity: Untangling the Web  ……….............…...…………9
Sierra Tucson, Provider #PCE1392

Attachment Theory & Affective Neuroscience in Clinical Action ……....….........…..14
Lifespan Learning Institute
Marion Solomon, PhD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ………………………..............………………...……21
UCLA Extension


Sects in the City: ……………………………………………………..................….…….6
Understanding and Treating Cult Involved Clients
Doni Whitsett, PhD
USC School of Social Work
Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider #1883

Work and its Vicissitudes: Two Women of a Certain………………........................…2.5
Age Playing with Work..
Samoan Barish, PhD
Southern California Area Committee of the National Membership
Committee on Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work
BBSP Provider #PCE876

Heart and Soul ………………………………..................……………...………………..6
Sufi Psychology Association
Lynn Wilcox, PhD President
University of Southern California
CA Board of Behavioral Science
PCE 1172

Symposium 2001 Eating Disorders: Families, Healing & Diversity…................…..16.5
John F. Kennedy University
Gail P. Solt
Asst Dean, continuing and extended education
Provider PCE-35


The Black Hole of Trauma ………………………………………......................……….7
Diagnosis & Treatment of Complex PTSD
Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.
The Los Angeles Center for Traumatic Stress & Sudden Bereavement
BBS Provider #1117

Creation of Leaderless Support Groups as an …………………...................………..3
Adjunct to Clinical Practice
Group Psychotherapy Assoc of Southern California
BBS provider PCE 528
Course Approval  GR0004-0013-000

Eating Disorders: Families, Healing and Diversity” ……....................……..….……22
International Association of Eating Disorders Professional
15 Annual Eating Disorders Symposium
Marie C. Shafe, Ed.D Exec Director
Bonnie J. Harken, President, Board of Directors
National Board of Certified Counselors NBCC, Provider #5912

Treating Children – Legal Issues …………………....................………..……………..1
Richard S. Leslie, Atty at Law
BBS Provider #PCE1649

2000 Preferred Provider Conference ……………………….…….......................……12
Del Amo Hospital

Law and Ethics: Beyond the Basics  ………………....................…………….....……..6
Psycho-Legal Associates Inc.
Mchael P. Dennis, M.A. Pres & CEO



Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders and…….…………………….......…6
Related Clinical Problems 
PSY Broadcasting Corporation

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders and…………….……............……..6
Related Clinical Problems
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Series
Psy Broadcasting Corporation

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders ……………................……….....…8
Psy Broadcasting Corp.
Candice Nattland, Psy.D.

Infant and Child Psychotherapy – Theory and Practice ………………...............……15
J Welles, PhD
LAISP/Los Angeles Institute and Society for
Psychoanalytic Studies

Collaborative Psychotherapeutic Technique ……………………………...............…….6
Newport Psychoanalytic Institute
PCE 97

Cognitive Behavior Therapy Symposia Series
Gratification, Provision and Abstinence ………………………….......................………3
Southern California Chapter Division 39
Of Psychoanalysis
Provider # PCE 356

Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders:……………….….…....................…..6
A multi theoretical approach
Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education
And Psychology
California Psychological Association Provider #PEP006
Pepperdine University Plaza, Culver City, CA

Meditation, Mindfulness and Stress Management
Serra Retreat Center
Jerome Front, MA, MFT
PCE #596
5/ 21-23/99

Looking Toward the Future in Treatment, Research and Prevention ………..............10
Academy for Eating Disorders Annual Meeting
6/ 11-12 /99

Course in Supervision …………………………………………..….....…….............……..6
Nancy Steiny, MFCC, presenter
Southern California Counseling Center
PCE 249

The Aging of the Brain, The Aging of the Mind ……………………………................…6
Institute for Cortext Research and Development
Bruce Quinn, MD., PhD presenter
Van Nuys, CA

Suicide and Its Aftermath  ………………………………………...................……..…….6
UCLA Extension #PCE55



Psychotherapy, Spirituality, and the Evolution of Mind ……………................………17
Center for the Integration of Psychotherapy
and Eastern Thought
Marjorie Schuman, PhD
Santa Monica, CA
5/ 15-17/98

MFCC’s Rising to L.A.’s……………………………………………....................………..1.5
Diversity Challenge
Vicente Noble, PhD, Nanette de Fuentes, PhD, Kri Y, PhD
Gina Ross, MA and Michael Hughes, MA

Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Populations that ……………….................………6
Traditionally Require Medication
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Series
Psy Broadcasting Corporation

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Panic and Agoraphobia ………….................….……6
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Series
Psy Broadcasting Corporation


Advanced Training in Hypnosis ……………………………………...................………12
Cory Hammond, PhD
Del Amo Hospital
Cory Hammond, PhD
May 3-4, 1997

The Hysterical Character Reconsidered ………………………..................….…………5.5
Judith Welles, PhD
California Psychological Association Accrediting Agency
LOS 001-56   

Advanced Counseling Skills Training for Eating Disorders ……………..............…….36
And Body Image Problems
Terry White, MFCC
White Lotus Retreat Center
Santa Barbara, CA
Of the 36 hours, 9 were given to treating overeating disorders
 and weigh gain problems along with body image and relational
 issue, 9 were devoted to bulimia and related relational issues
 and the following 9 were devoted to treating anorexia nervosa
and elated relational issues.

The Therapeutic Relationship (on cognitive behavior therapy) ………...............………8
Psy Broadcasting Corp
Daniel Hill, PhD
PCE 439

The Therapeutic Relationship …………………………………….....................………….8
(on cognitive behavior therapy)
PsyBC, Psy Broadcasting Corp.
July, 1997

Sexual Recovery Seminar…………………………............………………………….…….3
Michele Saffier, MA, MFCC
Sexual Recovery Institute
August 23, 1997         

Chemical Dependency Assessment & Treatment ……………........…………….………7
Scott Hitt, M.D. and Karyl Draper, MSW
The Association for Continuing Education
September 10, 1997               

Narrative Therapy Conference           ………………..………...................………….…..7
Craig Smith, PhD, MFCC & Tom Hicks, PsyD, MFCC
Approval #PCE 446
Malibu, CA
9//13-15/ 1997

Chemical Dependency Assessment & Treatment ………….……….................………..7
Association for Continuing Education
Mitchell Earleywine, PhD primary presenter
#PCE 643

HIVV & AIDS Assessment & Treatment ……………....................………..…….……….7
Scott Hitt, MD and Karyl Draper, MSW
The Association for Continuing Education

Psychoanalytic Investigation of the ………………….......................…….………………2
Preverbal world of experience
LAISPS/L.A. Institute & Society
For Psychoanalytic Studies   

Psychological Investigation of the Pre Verbal World of Experience ………….........…..2
Judith Welles, PhD
Los Angeles Institute of Society of Psychoanalytic Studies
Provider PCE311


The Female Therapist and the Male Patient: ……………………..…………...........……2
Treatment issues
Linda Goodman, PhD
Women and Psychoanalysis


Scottsdale Camelback Hospital’s ………………………………..…..............……………..1.5
Eating Disorder Conference


Psychoanalytic Treatment of Eating Disorders …………...................……………………13.5
San Diego Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
2/25-26/ 89


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